Friday, August 24, 2012

what happened in 1780

now alot of people died in 1780 but this info was hard to find and i couldnt fine it at all again. i tried showing videos of these things but i couldnt even show it because the videos turned truth to false. so then they put the graveyard in the attawapiskat area where the new houses are at. and then thats when they moved the large graveyard too. as they move the graveyard thats how it was haunted the town. demons comes to attawapiskat to feed off negative energy too using ghosts and get the souls as they are collecting for satan. so as these demons are haunting the old school, school portables, high school and even the day care centre too. as i was told long time ago there was a old daycare centre that was haunted as it was. thats how i know the town is haunted. ill talk about demons as i was studying it through out my years 5 years. just so you know my info let to another into into even more eviler info. so as i was doing something i was thinking of things. i know a residual ghost in the school portable as i was doing my work too. so that town is haunted attawapiskat. ill talk about peoples stories as was studying.

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