Sunday, August 26, 2012

i went into the church at 8pm

so as i was listening to music i hearded music and saw this picture of someone. he passed away too as i was doing so. and then i realized that he passed away when richard told me about it too. he wanted to ask me cigarettes. and then he told me thats its his girl friends cousin or grandpa or something like that. so someone had past away. as i was actually doing my walkingin my sisters street i hearded this guy shouting and he said im calling the police and he sounded pissed. he was talking to me. and then as i was actually aware of i let those adults know that im the source of causing their death. and sadly they went in after five minutes and they looked sounded angry. i knew that those two adults on my street could hear them other adults and this was weird because he knew where i was that adult. so i ust know things too as i am like knowing. but in the pressence of someone i cant know. but only if i talk i cant know what happens next. so as i was aware of day two the thunder storm had occurred. so there had been thunder storm for two days. then again this guy shouts saying 'stop listenning to that guy hes crazy' thats when these two adults went in in anger. so then that guy that passed away knew that other guy that shouted im nuts. but then as i was ordering i looked for death and there was death. i was angered too as i was really pissed at this guy, the kids that teased me. looks like the kids lost someone they knew again all because of their lies. i dont curse anyone but they curse them selves. so there are thunder storm going on like last month or two months ago. the storm lasted 6 days last month or two months ago. so you see. so as i was doing my work i was studying. then the voices told me that im gods special child which is why bad things occurred. or satansi special child. ever since i was looking for love which was four or five months ago thats when the bad luck started. so voices either wants me to stop looking for love or find love to stop this bad luck.. so this guy passed away in ford albany too. one of the cree nations communities known to attawapiskat. oh and the people that said that spread rumors about me was also the cause of death in the albany. well i dont believe that im gods or satans special child anymore. at first i believed what the voices said but i decided not to believe them after what ive done. thats about it for this post.

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