Friday, August 24, 2012

people ending up in the hospital

now ive been seeing people in cast or injuring peoples foot and arms too. this was really weird. because i saw one guys thomb, a guy with a cow boy gun with a cast around his arms. but then a lady with her injured arm, and then a girl that thought i was crazy her foot as either broken or badly injured a month later. so then another little kid that had broken or injured her foot. but i was told they were faking and i was stdying this crap as i was doing so. and then as i realized we got three boys or more cursing and they could be satanists too as they are. and they were messing around with black magic and something is helping them as they were. so then as these people were telling me some were lies and some were true events. but as i was thinking of what i was thinking of i thought of the evil in this town. but im either gonna get in trouble or not i dont know at all. so as i was thinking of what to do with them that are walking among attawapiskat i was thinking of what to do and i thought i talk about it in the blog the new blog  with more less false info that i was wrong of too. so through out my days and weeks i was thinking of them people getting injuried by arms and feets. even dj broke or injured his arm.

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