Friday, September 7, 2012

why they please me

now theres always thunder clouds around the community of attawapiskat. but also harm, also deaths. in the two months there were 5 deaths, alexandrya, gabriel, abraham jr, and even an old man and some else cant remember who. its me making the ad things happen demons pleases me the way i am doing it is my mind with demons. i don t harm you guys aare doing it. i know why demons services are making me happy thats because of me. so let me tell you how their deaths went these three people. one was from rose she ignored what i said and asked then some one died. then here star then she ignored me someone died her cousin.. and then here the third person bradley ignored me. so you see how evil this town of attawapiskat is? its really hard to believe what shit was brught to nthis town of attawapiskat. now i need you guys to tell your friends to read this blog as i need more viewers for my work. so please do help me out. i work aout satanic paranormal stuff. so as i was studying my work i learned alot through out my years since 2007. i started posting in 2008. and i didnt get much information at first then some info led to another info as i study it through my work. i dont really know what to do so i post on the internet. i like talking about the town. i was told by star that there is something at the tookate star too as i was thinking she said that there will be something standing at the back of you. and this i was thinking she has alot of knowledge of haunted places when i have alot of knowledge about demons and things like that. i was to think of what she knows and then suddenly she ignores me as she does. i dont know why she ignores me. but then people started teasing me calling me crazy and this is starting to piss me off and this is why bad things happen to attawapiskat the evil and negativity in town.. the evil  is growing in this town of attawapiskat fast. so this guy tells me that its the evil guys doing it the deaths of three people and this got me thinking of what evil guys then i remembered the three boys that were hiding in the bush on the south side of town and then a minute later i saw the ambulance going to my friends house. and then i knew it was these boys. but the boys dont really know that their cursing people  that were negatie towards me. the evil pleases me as they do.

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