Sunday, September 2, 2012

demons of the attawapiskat

so as i study demons always harms peoples in attawapiskat as they do. two days ago while walking around at night i saw these cars driving by fast and i even hearded one of them stop. but evil ted says that its fake. even the girls where i saw at nates says its fake. and this was me being aware that they could be lying. but then as i was walking around yesterday the dogs were barking. so ted says its fake? then while did boy died? thats abraham nakogee. so then as these fucked up people says that cops will take me away are liars. dont believe what people says in attawapiskat. theyre liars. theyre saying that monsters are doing this shit. and guess what theyll full of shit. they claim to be telepathic but theyre evil these guys. and its starting to piss me off ted so i write about them ediots. demons seems to harm first nations, makes them hear and see things, even makes them in trouble. making them do things that they are unaware of. they get them into danger too harming people just like in 2008 winter a guy was actually firing shots using a gun. in 2007 a guy beats up two peoples one suffered a broken leg another person lost his eyes. so what else? well theres brendon kioke he was shot in the head accidentally. another is some selling drugs that got her in trouble. then an attack in someones house in 2007. bad stuff happens in town. thats how much control these demons have. and each bullshit these peoples gives me each time i write aout whats going on. the evil in town. the evil things hapening too. so they tell me lies i tell them a story.

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